How can I get a delivery estimate?

If you wish, you can get a delivery quote for the lot(s) you are interested in before the auction.

  • For items categorised as “Furniture and Works of Art”, Interencheres offers auction houses the opportunity to arrange your delivery with our partner transport company ThePackengers.

In fact, you can find an estimate generator directly via the lot pages. Delivery costs will be estimated for a journey based on the lot collection address to the address entered in your Profile (or the postcode of your choice).

You will also need to specify the value of the item to be insured for an estimate to be drawn up. We recommend entering the maximum price for which you expect to obtain a lot, including costs. (The insurance fee varies depending on the item's value).

We recommend that you save the estimates generated if you are bidding on a lot.

  • For items categorised as “Professional equipment” or “Vehicles”, please contact our partner auction houses (or contact specialised carriers directly) to request a delivery estimate.

The contact details of our auction houses (phone, email) are always shown on the auction and lot pages posted on our website.

If you wish to benefit from the rate shown on this estimate, you will need to arrange your delivery directly from your Interencheres account, in the “My winning bids” tab.

This means you can enjoy the preferential rates offered to all our Interencheres customers. We cannot guarantee these rates if you choose to arrange your delivery by another means.

For any further information, our Customer Service is available 7 days a week at

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